STANDARD 2: Learning Differences
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
The goal of every educator is to make his/her classroom inclusive. Education is a right for all students. No students should be left out because he/she/they are of a different culture. Instead, educators should embrace students from differing backgrounds and cultures. Including students from differing backgrounds is a great learning opportunity for the rest of class. It is a chance to incorporate music from other cultures into the lesson and enlighten students to cultures and music outside the United States. Aside from a cross-cultural learning opportunity, a school classroom should be a safe learning environment. Through inclusion, a teacher is best able to create an environment that facilitates growth and learning.
​As a current student of music education, I am gaining knowledge and understanding for teaching in a diverse classroom. I grew up in a predominately white middle-class town; therefore, my experience with a wide range of diversity is very little. However, as a student at Ball State I am exposed to more diversity than I had previously. That said, I can honestly say that I am becoming increasing ready for a diverse classroom (although there is always room for growth). I will continue to look for opportunities to become better at including various students in my lessons.
​During my time at Ball State, many of my courses have better prepared me to teach a diversified and inclusive classroom. After my time at Ball State, I will continue to seek out these opportunities to broaden my understanding by attending professional development workshops, doing my own research, and learning from my own students.
MUSE 353: Secondary Methods
Every student is different and unique and should be treated as such. A teacher should not just lump students together as large groups and expect every student to respond in the same manor. Every student is different and should have a chance for them to participate in a way that is the best for them. Lessons should be constructed to allow individual personalities, preferences and choices of the students shine through. An example of how this can be done is by offering them a choice between singing or tapping a rhythm, or humming along to the melody or bass line. You can also teach a variety of social instruments like the piano or ukulele so they can have choices of instruments and they can create their own music in the future. Offering opportunities for improvisation and composition gives students power of the music they want to create and learn. It is also important to get to know your students on an individual basis. Learning their names as quickly as possible and knowing their favorite sports team or band shows the student that the teacher cares and respects them as an individual, not just another desk in the classroom. Allowing them to share their thoughts and feelings in class also shows respect for the students individual personalities.
Cultural Autobiography
This cultural autobiography details my own experiences with diversity and inclusivity from my own up bringing.